Monday, October 22, 2012

A Walk in The Autumn Wood


  1. Terrific set of autumnal shots, Dar. And the last one of Fitz staring off down the track makes me think that in a previous life he may have been Boxcar Willie, and still yearns to be a hobo:)

    1. Thanks Mike. Fizz and me both; we just want to keep traveling to see what's around the next bend. :)

  2. I like the last photo too, I mean what is he looking at?? :) Also the closeups of the leaves, it's "cabin" season again.

    1. I think he must have seen a squirrel scamper over the tracks:)

    2. Not quite cabin season yet. We still got a bit of outdoor time left; at least that's what my clients keep insisting on. ... Thanks Leftie :) ... I don't think she's looking at anything particular, more like she's working really hard at sending me telepathic signals to keep moving. She sees a path, a walkway, a log, she wants to follow it to it's. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, I like it when there is lots of good things to look at. Thanks for popping in to see Linda. :)

      You know, I still call these photo collections Tabblos. ...In a way they still are.

  4. This is a really beautiful series showing the beautiful autumn colours. I particularly like the last picture.

  5. The first photos immediately reminded me of the ancient forest of Cathedral Grove on Victoria Island. They have the intense green of the rainforest.
