Sunday, January 20, 2013

Through my dining room window


  1. It is lovely to see your north American birds, they are so different from ours, apart from the sparrow in the second image. it must be a joy to have Hummingbirds in your garden. They are beautifully captured Dar. Also is it a black squirrel in one of the shots?

    1. Thanks Celia, (I think that's how you spell your name) I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. And yes, it is a joy to have hummingbird visit my garden, and again yes, that is a black squirrel. He was determined to pilfer the seeds. It was difficult to get a good shot of him since it was dark in there.

  2. Beautiful shots, Dar. It's good therapy to sit and watch and take photos of our feathered friends. And they have no reason to complain, because we feed them as payment.

    1. Thanks Mike. You are indeed right, they have no reason to complain. I have four feeders, five if you count the hummingbird feeder, and they need to be filled every third day, but I have no reason to complain either. It's a mutual agreeable exchange. :)

  3. You have such a beautiful view from your dining room, Dar. I could be envious ;-) Especially for this patient little humming bird that let you take all the time in the world for making such gorgeous photos. What did you put into the food to make it sit still?

  4. Just sugar and water. :) ... I'm sorry, I can never remember how to spell your name when I don't see it. Thats why I keep putting off replying to your comments. Silly, I know. But I figured it was best that you know I was silly, and not rude, or at least not meaning to be. Thanks A... For all the comments you've given. I appreciate them. :)
